Custom GPTs for Pharma Marketing and Sales
Would you like to be
at the forefront?
Generative AI (GenAI) is more than just hype.
GenAI services are revolutionizing sales and marketing in the healthcare market.
As an AI Powerhouse we will show you in four concrete steps how your company can use the new technology safely.
Where do you start and what's next?
4 steps
for the safe use of GenAI.
Step 1: Discover concrete potential in your organization together with us in an interactive discovery workshop.
Step 2: Experience possible tools and approaches in our discovery room.
Step 3: Let specialists program your goals into concrete and individualized Custom GPTs in a design dprint.
Step 4: Accompany the integration of your individual solutions into the company; of course with the necessary support and training from experts.
Today we are giving you the opportunity to take the first two steps with us at particularly attractive conditions.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for individual advice.
Leave your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.